

1991年1月〜2000年3月 活動終了したワーキンググループです。

名 称 : CRTモニタ検討班
班 長 : 村山茂康 (横浜市立大学医学部附属浦舟病院)
班 員 : 増田和浩 (埼玉県立小児医療センター)
    : 菊地達也 (横浜市立大学医学部附属病院)
    : 鈴木久美子(横浜市立大学医学部附属浦舟病院)
※前班員 : 阿部正巳 (越谷市立病院)
     : 北畑佳紀 (財団法人 心臓血管研究所付属病院)

(原著)日本放射線技術学会雑誌 VOL.55 NO.7 679-686頁 1999年7月

Luminance Characteristics of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) Monitors in Cineradiographic Systems

松本智尋( 同 )
鈴木久美子( 同 )
天内 廣( 同 )、佐藤次男(千葉県循環器病センター)、若松 修(NTT関東逓信病院)、中澤靖夫(昭和大学病院)

 With the spread of interventional radiology (IVR), an increasing number of cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors are being used with digital cineradiographic systems. Therefore, it has became more important to maintain the quality of CRT monitors. In this study, we evaluated the luminance characteristics of CRT monitorsin cineradiographic systems by mesuring luminance with a video signal generator and luminance meter. We obtained the following results: (1) The gradient of the luminance curve was constant even though relativ luminance increased, when the contrast volume control (CVC) was steped up in the controlled condition for brightness volume control (BVC). (2) The gradiant of the luminance curve decreased even though relative luminance increased, when BVC was steped up in the controlled condition for CVC. (3) We measured the luminance characteristics of the CRT monitors of various insttitutions under usual conditions and found that the luminance curves differed for each CRT monitor according to the varius adjustments made in each institution. However, when we adjusted the CRT monitors for the same conditions, almost all of the showed similar luminance curves. (Results for 1, 2, and 3 were obtained from stand-alone CRT monitors.) (4) The luminance of CRT monitors connected to cineradiographic systems in various institution differed from one another in spite of adjustments for the same condition when we exporsed X-rays that penetrated a copper plate (2mm) to the imaging intensifier. We concluded that the intensities of video signals in cineradiographic systems differ.


(ノート)日本放射線技術学会雑誌 VOL.52 NO.11 1566-1572頁 1996年11月

Measurement of Luminance of CRT Monitors in Cineradiographic Systems

鈴木久美子( 同 )
松本智尋( 同 )
松田 健(アストロデザイン株式会社)
天内 廣(横浜市立大学医学部附属病院)、鍋倉良三(埼玉県立小児医療センター附属大宮小児保健センター)、坂尾武彦(榊原記念病院)、佐藤次男(千葉県立鶴舞病院)、若松 修(NTT関東逓信病院)、加藤京一(昭和大学病院)、中澤靖夫( 同 )、佐々木稔(横浜市立大学医学部附属浦舟病院)、長谷川光男(財団法人心臓血管研究所付属病院)

  Quality control of CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors is essential to the good management of cineradiographic systems. In this study, we developed a new video signal generator and measured the output luminance of 35 systems in our five institutes. The results were as follows:
1. Our video signal generator (GV-812) may be useful in quantitatively analyzing the luminance of CRT monitors.
2. There were large differences in luminance among CRT monitors in the clinical setting. The gradient of the video signal-luminance curve ranged between 1.38 and 2.91. The coefficient of variation ranged from 8% to 22%.
3. The life of CRT monitors may be indicated by periodically measuring the decline curve of luminance under the usual setting and the maximum contrast value, using the video signal generator.

 最近の心臓カテーテル検査は、PTCAに代表されるInterventional Cardiologyが普及し、CRTモニタ上での画像診断が増加してきている。それに伴って、モニタ画像の高品質化求められ、X線シネ撮影装置に搭載されるモニタは、走査線数1000本以上の高精細モニタが多くなり、その仕様も多様化してきている。
 モニタ輝度の管理・調整用テストパターンについては、SMPTEが1986年に、勧告案(RP 133)を提出し、北米放射線学会が医療用モニタの画質管理としてこの勧告案を推奨した。本邦では、翌年、日本医用画像工学会が同勧告案の採用を決めているが、モニタの出力やその劣化を定量的に評価する手法はみあたらない。


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